Tuesday, January 31, 2012

If a movie was made about your life, who would play you?

So, today at work a few of my co-workers and I got into a conversation about if a movie was going to be made about your life, who you would pick to play the role of you.  There were some interesting names thrown around, but after some thought, I chose Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

We then got on the topic of celebrity look-a-likes.  Just out of curiosity, I found a celebrity look-a-like generator online and plugged in my picture.  The results were shocking:

It took me awhile to stop laughing.  Haha, anyway, back to the original question, if a movie were to be made about your life, who would you pick to play you?  For Megan, I was thinking either Reese Witherspoon or Blake Lively.  What do you think?


rjd said...

Definitly Reese. Just my opinion

Bre And Drew said...

no way, reese is too girly and weak to be megan!

Aaron and Devon said...

I could totally see Reese for Megan- they are both totally beautiful and petite =)!

Heidi M. said...

This is awesome. Don't feel bad - Dave and I did this and Dave got Angelina Jolie and I, a collection old men...yeah

Unknown said...

I think Kristen bell for Megan, and I would def have leighton Meester play me.

Anonymous said...

@Heidi - That is hilarious!

@Chelsea - I didn't even think about Kristin Bell for Megan. Good call.

Anonymous said...

@Chelsea - You definitely look a lot like Leighton Meester.