Thursday, January 6, 2011

What's it gonna be?

So, we are finding out whether we are having a boy or girl tomorrow. Needless to say we are pretty excited. For some reason I am feeling like we are having a girl, but Megan says she has no idea. Anyway, does anyone else have any guesses? You can vote over there on the right side of this blog. We will update you all soon!


Anonymous said...


Van Komen's said...

Have you ever heard of the Chinese birth calandar? It proved to be true for Hallie, myslef, and my sister's baby boy! Google it! Its pretty acurate for some reason.. So I vote for whatever it says.

Malerie said...

Ooh I hope it's a girl! You make a pretty cute boys, though, so either way you're good :)

Desiree P said...

I think Megan needs a girl! Seriously, it's surprising that none of you DeFreese kids have girls yet.