Saturday, May 10, 2014

Springtime Fun

We had a wonderful Easter this year. We managed to squeeze in a fun little "treasure hunt" before we made it on time to our 9 a.m. church meetings! We had some really good Easter lessons about ourSavior's life. Easter Sunday is definitely my favorite Sunday. When we got home, James and Linc took a nap while Koby and I dyed some Easter eggs together. Over the course of a few days, Koby ate ALL of the eggs we dyed. Who knew he loved hard-boiled eggs so much?! I didn't even get a chance to make egg salad sandwiches, haha.

Both James and I forgot to take pictures, but we went to James' Aunt Diane and Uncle Norman's for a potluck and a fun Easter egg hunt with the family. It sure was a wonderful Easter Sunday.

(Don't mind the horrible-colored, blurry phone pictures)...

On the hunt.

We were having fun making creepy floating heads!

In April, I had the privilege of taking the boys to Thanksgiving Point twice.We had such a fun time both times we went. Koby loves the little curiosity/discovery room for kids at the Dinosaur Museum and Lincoln loves the pony rides and feeding the chickens at the Animal Farm.

Little goofs!

With this pregnancy I have had to have 3 or 4 ultrasounds to check on the little guy. At my last ultrasound in April, the lady privileged us with some amazing pictures of our baby...

31+ weeks 
You can't tell in this picture, but he has James' "cleft chin". He also looks a lot like Linc to us! We are excited to see how accurate the pictures are when he is born in just a few weeks!

The baby is measuring about two weeks bigger, with of course his head measuring about three weeks bigger...Thanks James! Lets hope delivery doesn't hurt too much ;) 

Oh and for the third time, he is definitely a HE.

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