So March is here and James' motto is "six pack Summer".Haha. Even though it snowed almost a foot in one day last week, Summer is just around the bend - yay! We got a pull up bar last week - best purchase all year. Koby can't get enough of it. When we opt to exercise at home instead of the gym, you will usually find Koby sitting on our backs while we do push-ups, bouncing on our stomachs while we are doing crunches, and if you have ever tried a wall sit with an extra, wiggling 20 lbs on your lap, you know it is pretty dang hard.
Stop reading if you don't want a Koby update:)...
For the last week you will find James rolling his eyes while I'm singing...
"A cheese is a person in your neighborhood, in your neighborhood..." OR
"Elmo had 4 ducks, Quack, Quack,Quack,Quack..." OR
"C is for cookie, that's good enough for me, C is for cookie, that's good enough for me"
Seriously. Koby LOVES watching Sesame Street songs on YouTube. He learned to say "Elmo" and now I'm stuck watching LL Cool J and Elmo while they go on an "Addition Expedition" everyday. Elmo has really helped Koby though. He now says "A,B,C" and "3". He can "arf,arf, moo, meow, bock bock, oo-e-ah, and bang his chest like a gorilla." He has also begun to tell us "no no", which he does alot. Do we really tell him no all the time?
New words are pouring out of him lately. It's fun:) Oh and he is officially weened from his Binky! Yay (Way easier than I thought).
That kid is too cute! I love Koby on the pull up bar. He is going to be just as active as his awesome parents!!!
You people are amazing.
I remember when Chick started saying "no don't" all the time & I felt bad that she must hear it all the time. Now Monkey is starting to say no, but I think it's because Chick says it to her ;)
he is so cute!! that bra pic is hilarious!
That's awesome! I love it when they start saying things! How did you wean him from his binky?! I'm scared to death about that!
SO CUTE! Koby is growing into his head!
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