January 28th - 6 days over due, and Megan is feeling pretty uncomfortable.
4:00pm - Go into the hospital for first dose of gel to soften the cervix in preparation to be induced. Contractions start and continue to get stronger.
10:00pm - Went back to the hospital for second dose of gel. When the nurse checked to see how Megan was progressing, she said she was dilated to a 4 and admitted us into the hospital. No induction necessary!
January 29th
1:30am - Megan was dilated to a 6 and the contractions were getting pretty painful and she requested an epidural. It took over 45 minutes for the doctor to come and administer it to her though. So she was dilated to about a 7 when she finally got it.
2:15am - Epidural is in, and it was like night and day. Megan and I watched Miss Congeniality. It was that or "Down with Love."
4:05am - Megan is fully dilated, and begins pushing.
4:50 am- Doctor comes in to catch him...and
4:52am - Koby James Huntington is born!! He weighed 7lbs 9oz, and was 20 inches long.
I know all parents think their babies are the cutest, but he really is the cutest baby! We LOVE him!